Elementary Boys Basketball


Elementary Boys play Basketball on Wednesdays 4-5pm

This group is for boys 3rd grade-4th grade

Welcome to our exciting 12-week elementary boys basketball program for grades 3 and 4! Whether your child is completely new to basketball or has some past experience, our program is designed to provide a challenging and enjoyable experience for all. With our team of dedicated and skilled coaches, we aim to develop the boys' soccer skills while fostering a sense of camaraderie and friendly competition.

The program is divided into two distinct phases to ensure a progressive and comprehensive learning experience. In the initial phase, the focus is on individual skill development. Our coaches will work closely with the boys to teach and refine fundamental basketball skills such as dribbling, passing, shooting, and basic tactical concepts. The emphasis is on individual growth, muscle memory, and building a strong foundation of basketball abilities.

As the program progresses, we introduce a competitive element by forming two permanent teams. This team selection process aims to create balanced teams, allowing the boys to apply their newly acquired skills in a game setting. The teams will then compete against each other for the remainder of the season, giving the players a chance to showcase their skills and work together as a team.

At Crown Heights Sports, we believe that every player brings something special to the team. Each child's unique abilities and contributions are celebrated and valued. At the end of the season, we go the extra mile to honor each player’s individuality by presenting personalized trophies. These trophies serve as a token of appreciation, recognizing the distinct talents and efforts of each player. Ranging from exemplary Middos to most coordinated dribbling, we believe in fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment in our young athletes, and these personalized awards are a testament to their growth, dedication, and the joy they bring to the game.

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